Today we received a mail regarding RMAN backup of archive log to tape got failed from the customer. RMAN backup error details are below RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_SBT_TAPE_1 channel at 05/06/2014 20:05:31 ORA-19513: failed to identify sequential file ORA-27206: requested file not found in media management catalog From the above message we can easily identify that they are taking a backup to tape directly from the network server not from the db server. I have checked MOSC note related to the above error & found one document which is described below. The MOSC note is " RMAN Backup to tape using Legato Networker fails ORA-19513 and ORA-27206 (Doc ID 1312448.1)" According to that note, CHANGES: A new DNS alias was created on the Network for the Server or new CAUSE: This error is raised whenever the Media Manager, Legato Networker in this case, is unable to write the file to tape. The creation of new DNS alias can ...
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