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Showing posts from January 2, 2019

Cloud Control EM13c - Loader Throughput (rows per second) for Loader_D crossed the critical threshold and Total Loader Runtime in the Last Hour (seconds) for Loader_D crossed the critical threshold

Hello Guys, Here is an another post related to Cloud Control EM13c - Real-time Scenario. Suddenly We were receiving the following warning and critical alerts from EM13c Cloud Control during the time slot between 12 AM and 04:00 AM daily. 1)  Message= Loader Throughput (rows per second) for Loader_D crossed the critical threshold (xx). Current value: xx.xx 2)  Message= Total Loader Runtime in the Last Hour (seconds) for Loader_D crossed the critical threshold (x,xxx). Current value: xxxx.xx 3)  ORA-error stack (3,136) and ORA-error stack (609) were also logged in alert log 4)  Message= Incident (BEA-310003 [LowMemory]) detected in $OMS_HOME/gc_inst/user_projects/domains/GCDomain/servers/EMGC_OMS1/adr/diag/ofm/GCDomain/EMGC_OMS1/alert/log.xml at time/line number: When we analyzed the AWR reports of EM PDB repository database, we found there were few PL/SQL statements given below causing this issue with wait event  SQL*Net Break/reset To Client...