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Showing posts from January 12, 2018

Steps to add ASM disk to existing ASM diskgroup

Steps to add disk to disk group Please follow the below steps once disk presented and partitioned by OS team.       1)       Create the disk using ASMLIB For example # /usr/sbin/oracleasm createdisk PRODDATA08 /dev/xvdq1 # (this command needs to be executed as root user)       2)       Since this is a RAC installation, the disks would only be stamped by one node. The other node would just scan for the disks.        For example # /usr/sbin/oracleasm scandisks # (this command needs to be executed as root user) You can use the next steps to validate whether the candidate disk(s) is/are in good shape and can be accessed from each node (without harm the existing production diskgroups) before adding, as follow:       3)       As Oracle or Grid OS user, run the next commands on each node        ...