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Showing posts from May 1, 2014

Sessions generating more redo or SQL queries generate heavy archive logs

Many times customer would ask us  that why more number of archive logs are being generated & flash recovery area (FRA) is getting filled with archive logs?  What are the queries or sessions involved in generating more archive logs? below we can see the sql query to find which sessions and sql statements are generating more redo or more number of archive logs.... current sessions generating redo ================================= set lines 2000 set pages 1000 col sid for 99999 col name for a09 col username for a14 col PROGRAM for a21 col MODULE for a25 select s.sid,sn.SERIAL#,, round(value/1024/1024,2) redo_mb, sn.username,sn.status,substr (sn.program,1,21) "program", sn.type, sn.module,sn.sql_id from v$sesstat s join v$statname n on n.statistic# = s.statistic# join v$session sn on sn.sid = s.sid where like 'redo size' and s.value!=0 order by redo_mb desc; From the above query we can have the session and sql id which generates redo ...

SQL queries which is using more CPU resources

Here we'll see how to find heavy or more cpu consumed sql query in oracle We are facing high CPU load on Linux servers daily at times. Whenever CPU load is high, we'll get the TOP output and if the load is due to oracle database, we'll track currently running sql queries which is using more CPU on database & update the customer when they ask RCA report of high CPU load on servers. The below query is to find the sql queries which is causing CPU load on server & using more CPU resources currently. sessions based on cpu usage : ----------------------------------------- set pages 1000 set lines 1000 col OSPID for a06 col SID for 99999 col SERIAL# for 999999 col SQL_ID for a14 col USERNAME for a15 col PROGRAM for a23 col MODULE for a18 col OSUSER for a10 col MACHINE for a25 select * from ( select p.spid "ospid", (se.SID),ss.serial#,ss.SQL_ID,ss.username,substr(ss.program,1,22) "program",ss.module,ss.osuser,ss.MACHINE,ss.status, ...