Please find the sql queries below to get the details of db blocks. Check_db_blocks : ********************* set linesize 512 select v.instance_name ||' - '|| l1.sid ||' ('||s1.client_identifier||' - '||s1.module||')' || ' IS BLOCKING ' || l2.sid||' ('||s2.client_identifier||' - '||s2.module||')' || s1.sql_id || s1.username || s1.program || s1.machine "BLOCKING SESSIONS" from v$instance v, v$lock l1, v$lock l2, v$session s1, v$session s2 where l1.block =1 and l2.request > 0 and l1.id1=l2.id1 and l1.id2=l2.id2 and l1.sid=s1.sid and l2.sid=s2.sid; Check_db_locks : ******************** set lines 100 select ' SID '|| sid||' ,Serial# '||serial#||' user '||username||' is getting blocked by SID '||blocking_session|| ' for last '||seconds_in_wait||' seconds and wait_event '||event||' for SQL_ID '||sql_id ||' (Locked_Object_ID '||row_wait_...
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