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Steps/procedure for Adding new disk to ACFS disk group or extending/increasing the size of ACFS file system diskgroup

Hello Guys, Here we are going to see the steps to add new disk to ACFS file system disk group or How to extend/increase the size of ACFS file system diskgroup (ACFS - Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System). This is also real time scenario of my environment. We received critical alert on ACFS file system mount point /prodtop which is having only 10GB free space and 90% of disk group space has been used. So customer requested us to increase size of /prodtop to another 10GB. Before extending the diskgroup [root@node1: ~]# df -Th /prodtop/ Filesystem                    Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/asm/prodtop-153  ACFS    95G   85G   11G  90%    /prodtop So here we go. 1) Ask OS team to provide a new partitioned disk size of 10GB which should be shareable across all nodes if it is a clustered environment. ...
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Cloud Control EM13c - Loader Throughput (rows per second) for Loader_D crossed the critical threshold and Total Loader Runtime in the Last Hour (seconds) for Loader_D crossed the critical threshold

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Steps to add ASM disk to existing ASM diskgroup

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SQL queries to get the blocking session details in oracle database

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