Here we'll see how to find heavy or more cpu consumed sql query in oracle
We are facing high CPU load on Linux servers daily at times. Whenever CPU load is high, we'll get the TOP output and if the load is due to oracle database, we'll track currently running sql queries which is using more CPU on database & update the customer when they ask RCA report of high CPU load on servers.
The below query is to find the sql queries which is causing CPU load on server & using more CPU resources currently.
sessions based on cpu usage :
set pages 1000
set lines 1000
col OSPID for a06
col SID for 99999
col SERIAL# for 999999
col SQL_ID for a14
col USERNAME for a15
col PROGRAM for a23
col MODULE for a18
col OSUSER for a10
col MACHINE for a25
select * from (
select p.spid "ospid",
(se.SID),ss.serial#,ss.SQL_ID,ss.username,substr(ss.program,1,22) "program",ss.module,ss.osuser,ss.MACHINE,ss.status,
se.VALUE/100 cpu_usage_sec
v$session ss,
v$sesstat se,
v$statname sn,
v$process p
NAME like '%CPU used by this session%'
se.SID = ss.SID
and ss.username !='SYS' and
and ss.username is not null
and ss.paddr=p.addr and value > 0
order by se.VALUE desc);
The above query will give you everything including OS process id (PID)
At times pid using more cpu in top command will be an inactive session.
We are facing high CPU load on Linux servers daily at times. Whenever CPU load is high, we'll get the TOP output and if the load is due to oracle database, we'll track currently running sql queries which is using more CPU on database & update the customer when they ask RCA report of high CPU load on servers.
The below query is to find the sql queries which is causing CPU load on server & using more CPU resources currently.
sessions based on cpu usage :
set pages 1000
set lines 1000
col OSPID for a06
col SID for 99999
col SERIAL# for 999999
col SQL_ID for a14
col USERNAME for a15
col PROGRAM for a23
col MODULE for a18
col OSUSER for a10
col MACHINE for a25
select * from (
select p.spid "ospid",
(se.SID),ss.serial#,ss.SQL_ID,ss.username,substr(ss.program,1,22) "program",ss.module,ss.osuser,ss.MACHINE,ss.status,
se.VALUE/100 cpu_usage_sec
v$session ss,
v$sesstat se,
v$statname sn,
v$process p
NAME like '%CPU used by this session%'
se.SID = ss.SID
and ss.username !='SYS' and
and ss.username is not null
and ss.paddr=p.addr and value > 0
order by se.VALUE desc);
The output looks like below
sessions based on cpu usage |
The above query will give you everything including OS process id (PID)
Compare the above query output with the output of TOP command in Linux by using pid.
You will get a clear picture about the cpu load in terms of oracle database.
TOP command output |
At times pid using more cpu in top command will be an inactive session.
The below query is to find the inactive session and their details
set pages 1000
set lines 1000
col SPID for a06
col SID for 99999
col SERIAL# for 999999
col SQL_ID for a14
col USERNAME for a10
col PROGRAM for a30
col MODULE for a18
col OSUSER for a15
col MACHINE for a25
select p.spid,s.sid,s.serial#,s.sql_id,s.username,s.status,s.program,s.module,s.osuser,s.machine
from v$session s, v$process p where s.paddr=p.addr and s.status like '%INACTIVE%';
If you want to track the session details by using PID listing in top output when cpu load is high, you can use below query only one time. After getting output, you just put / and enter then it'll ask enter your ospid then paste your PID alone and enter. You'll get the output. You can track as many as you can by viewing top output in parallel in the another session.
set pages 100
set lines 1000
col SPID heading 'SPID' for a06
col SID heading 'SID' for 99999
col SERIAL# heading 'serial' for 999999
col SQL_ID for a14
col USERNAME for a10
col PROGRAM for a17
col MODULE for a08
col OSUSER for a07
col MACHINE for a20
col TRACEFILE for a40
select p.spid,s.sid,s.serial#,s.username,s.status,s.sql_id,s.program,s.module,s.osuser,s.machine,
s.EVENT from v$session s, v$process p where s.paddr=p.addr and p.spid=&ospid;
If you want to track the session details by using PID listing in top output when cpu load is high, you can use below query only one time. After getting output, you just put / and enter then it'll ask enter your ospid then paste your PID alone and enter. You'll get the output. You can track as many as you can by viewing top output in parallel in the another session.
set pages 100
set lines 1000
col SPID heading 'SPID' for a06
col SID heading 'SID' for 99999
col SERIAL# heading 'serial' for 999999
col SQL_ID for a14
col USERNAME for a10
col PROGRAM for a17
col MODULE for a08
col OSUSER for a07
col MACHINE for a20
col TRACEFILE for a40
select p.spid,s.sid,s.serial#,s.username,s.status,s.sql_id,s.program,s.module,s.osuser,s.machine,
s.EVENT from v$session s, v$process p where s.paddr=p.addr and p.spid=&ospid;
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