Analysis of ORA-04031: unable to allocate xxx bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","KGLH0^6ab33a","kglob")
Hi all,
One of our production databases is
frequently experienced below errors in alert log and database became
unresponsive due to continuous hit of this error and CPU load also went high at
that time.
Here the time duration for this error
is between Tue Dec 09 15:33:18 2014 and Tue Dec 09 15:50:27 2014.
Errors in alert log:
ORA-04031: unable to allocate 264
bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown
ORA-04031: unable to allocate 120
bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown
ORA-04031: unable to allocate 1072
bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","select HIERARCHY_TYPE,
ORA-04031: unable to allocate 264
bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown
ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4248
bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","UPDATE QP_NPREQ_LINES_TMP
A ...","CCUR^95757316","column mapping")
Our immediate solution is to restart
the database since the db became unresponsive and i have prepared an RCA for
this issue to report to customer. Below is my finding.
Whenever CPU load is high in our
servers we usually will take the top CPU consumed session details with wait
events using below query (The blow query is for only current sessions consuming
more CPU)
set pages 1000
set lines 1000
col OSPID for a06
col SID for 99999
col SERIAL# for 999999
col SQL_ID for a14
col USERNAME for a15
col PROGRAM for a23
col MODULE for a18
col OSUSER for a10
col MACHINE for a25
select * from (
select p.spid
v$session ss,
v$sesstat se,
v$statname sn,
v$process p
NAME like '%CPU used by
this session%'
se.SID = ss.SID
and ss.username !='SYS'
and ss.username is not
and ss.paddr=p.addr and
value > 0
order by se.VALUE desc);
From the output of the
above query,I noticed some wait events on “SGA: allocation forcing component
growth, latch: cache buffers chains" which related to excessive memory resize operations".
You can also track the session details with their wait events using below query if you didn't get it when the load was high.
set lines 1000
set pages 500
col SAMPLE_TIME for a28
col sid for 9999
col serial for 99999
col MODULE for a17
col EVENT for a45
col MACHINE for a25
select distinct SESSION_ID sid,SESSION_SERIAL# serial,user_id,sql_id,MODULE,MACHINE,EVENT from dba_hist_active_sess_history
where sample_time between to_date('22-DEC-14 15:30:00', 'dd-MON-yy hh24-mi-ss')
and to_date('22-DEC-14 15:50:00', 'dd-MON-yy hh24:mi:ss') order by 1;
in the above query, sample_time is the time we got hit by the error ORA-04031 in the alert log.
This is an AMM message indicating that the size of
sga_target or memory_target is too small, causing excessive AMM resize operations.
latch: cache buffers chains:
"latch: cache
buffers chains" contention is typically encountered because SQL statements
read more buffers than they need to and multiple sessions are waiting to read
the same block.
Here I concentrated on wait
event "SGA: allocation forcing component growth".in this analysis.
I tracked SQL queries
which is causing wait event "SGA: allocation forcing component
growth" by using below query.
set lines 1000
select distinct
sql_id,EVENT from dba_hist_active_sess_history
where sample_time between
to_date('09-DEC-14 15:30', 'dd-MON-yy hh24:mi')
and to_date('09-DEC-14 4
15:50', 'dd-MON-yy hh24:mi') and EVENT like 'SGA%' group by
SAMPLE_TIME,sql_id,EVENT order by 2;
2h83mk46003q4 SGA:
allocation forcing component growth
3n87y2yarawsq SGA:
allocation forcing component growth
6dgaurcnhgcru SGA:
allocation forcing component growth
9x37c2yp147t5 SGA:
allocation forcing component growth
bp9419hksnw42 SGA:
allocation forcing component growth
gaf2hsang61x7 SGA:
allocation forcing component growth
in the above query,
sample_time is the time we got hit by the error ORA-04031 in the alert log.
According to
the MOSC doc “How To Deal With "SGA: allocation forcing
component growth" Wait Events (Doc ID 1270867.1)”
When using Automatic
Shared Memory Management (ASMM) or Automatic Memory Management (AMM) by
setting either SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET, you may see locking issues when the
following event is encountered:
allocation forcing component growth' may or may not be accompanied by ORA-4031 errors.
ASMM and AMM use an
auto-tuning memory management scheme. With either of these architectures
enabled, memory can be moved automatically between components in the SGA (such
as the buffer cache and shared pool) in order to fill a memory request in one
of these components.
The 'SGA: allocation
forcing component growth' can occur if the SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET is set
too low for the instance, and there has to be frequent moving of the memory between
the components of the SGA like the shared pool and the buffer cache.
The 'SGA: allocation
forcing component growth' can often be reduced by increasing the setting of
either the SGA_TARGET (for an ASMM setup) or MEMORY_TARGET (for an AMM setup).
Enlarging the SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET will allow for the various SGA
components to grow without the need for "stealing" memory of another
Increasing by at least
10% would be a good starting point and it can be tuned further if needed.
So we have advised to increase the SGA size based on SGA_TARGET_ADVISORY report.
And also you can easily get analysis in just few seconds by uploading alert log and trace file via online tool "ORA-4031
Troubleshooting Tool (Doc ID 1521925.1)" from oracle support website
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